Thursday, May 31, 2012

Look what I found out!

So I'm looking at my blogs and see that my Today I Learned blog still gets about 7 views a day, I was curious why, considering I only ever got to finishing one post (Though I swear I have like 3 in draft that I just need to finish up). And it terms out that they are from google searching. I look at the search term and there it was.

"Isaac Newton Ego"

I'm the top result on google for searching for those three words :D.

(Shown in incognito mode so google does not personalize the results.) 

A math test today.

In about a few min, I'm going to take a shower and then leave for school to take my math test. I feel pretty good about it actually. A lot of what we are doing in trig is just using concepts from geometry.

I *think* I can get an A. Anyway, wish me luck.

In other news, I installed Chrome Nanny, to block my from reddit and other offending sites, really I would like to only spend my time working, forget about TheLibrary or any other projects in my mind, and instead of going to reddit, I should at *least* be writing in this blog, because at least this can help me a bit.

Not so much *this* blog at least, but, my Let's Consider and Today I learned blog can, If I actually really tried, I feel I could make a decent income by writing in them.

Well, I'm off, bye.

EDIT: I felt I did good, I did have to guess on one problem because of time, but I was very calm throughout the test. I think I got an A.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A procrastinatory eater

I'm procrastinating right now, so I figure I might as well do something a little constructive with that time and write in my blog. Hopefully, after writing this, my damn mind will focus on math, and study.

Before this, I was procrastinating by reading up on any new legend of korra news on the avatar subreddit.
(And as I go the the tab to get the link for you guys, I had to fight the urge to click new and read any new posts. I did succeed though, however. )

Anyway, as far as the title. It is based on this observation. I am here, sitting in the De Anza computer center, with my book right next to me, and I am trying to make myself work. As I sit still, fighting with my own mind, I notice that I have the urge to go to get some food. "I Just ate", I think to myself. And I realize that the non-logical side of my brain, in a genius effort to get to keep procrastinating, caused me to be hungry. I then look back, and realize that it has done this *alot* recently. So, while I don't eat while I'm sad, and I'm happy about that, it seems that I do eat whenever I have something big to do that I am procrastinating on.

"Oh, James, that is just eating from stress" (Lets assume you tell me this)

No, it's not.

There are many more stressful situations, such as during a test, or or not being able to figure out some problem, or meeting some new people, or waiting for an upcoming event. I *never* feel unnaturally hungry in those situations, it is only when I am specifically trying to avoid doing something.

So there you go, a procrastinatory eater.

I'll leave you guys with this quote,

"procrastination is sort of like the unfortunate offspring of a situation where both low self-esteem and striving for perfection exist together" [1]

So, there it is, my post. I suppose I feel a bit better now,
I think I'll get a bite to eat.


Monday, May 28, 2012

The story of emoobia, take one.

So, I've decided I will write the opening lines of emoobia. And I plan to do this over and over again, until I think I have it right. I have tried to write them before, only to completely fail. So, here is my first take (on this blog)

In the beginning, there was nothing. The entirety of existence was that of a single point, infinitly small. Time was the creator of the first universe, bringing a force into existence broke the resolve of oblivion, and it cracked. Energy formed, and particles connected to each other, in a random pattern. Those random patterns eventually formed together to create an intelligent being of pure energy.

Then the being watched, it watched as the universe formed. It collected energy, and it discovered it can synthesize matter. The building blocks of the universe. But the energy needed to create matter was great, and it could not collect it all in itself. It found that the greatest way to store energy was in matter. So it created created a stone, whose sole purpose was to hold reserve power of which to build the universe. The most refined and pure stone ever to be in existence. And there started the first relationship to ever happen. Knowledge and power, both pure and without ethics and emotion, living symbolically, creating the universe.