Tuesday, April 17, 2012

U413 is back up. Everyone get in there!

PiMaster has done amazing work on u413. A social site for geeks of all kinds, where people can chat and talk in an intelligent, and/or fun discussion. I'm posting this to let everyone who views my blog, and looks at my post's on google+ to know about it. To register, simply type "register". No email required.

Some extra info.

The site is programmed in an old 90's BBS type theme, yet made with web 3.0 technologies. This is purposely it's look and feel.

To use the site, after you register, type "Boards", you will see all the categories you can post to. To get a list of all the recent topics, you can type board all or board 0.

To go to a topic, type "topic [#topicnumber]"

To reply to it, type reply. To go to the next page, type next or prev, optionally just hit the page number.

For a new topic, type newtopic.

That should be good enough for now, if you need any more help. Simple type "HELP". 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Some appreciation of tau.

So, school has started. Believe me when I say I have wrote a lot of blog post's, it's just... they are all in drafts and not public yet. But, I'm writing this one during lunch, and I will have time to post it the same day ( I swear).

Anyway, It's my second day of math, Precal with Trig. And we finally did this thing:
Which, I had more fun then I'd like to admit doing.
Anyway, I've seen it done before on youtube by that girl who has a fetish for spirals and math, and doing it myself helped me understand why tau made more sense.

I'm not going to pretend that I understand all the extra complexities that there are to it, but I think understanding it a little bit helps me to say truthfully that I can appreciate it.

That's all for now,

- JamezQ

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Promise to me.

So, I'm happy to see people are still checking my blogs. And it makes me feel bad for not writing anything recently. So, here is a public promise that I will update them, let's give me until tuesday.

If I break this promise, I suck big time. And so, since I am publicly stating this, hopefully my brain will start working on them. As to not be embarrassed when the time comes to find out that my aptitude to slack off projects of any kind is stronger then my logical brain, who wishes for me to get project done and achieve things.

This is short, almost a status frankly. But the important thing is, everyone can see it.