Monday, March 26, 2012

Finals, school soon over, a new change.

Well, I was happy to learn that today was *not* the day I had my math final. So I'm feeling a lot better today.

The main point of this post is, that school is over soon. And I would like to get to improving myself again.

I want to create a new schedule to workout, study go, and work on programming projects.

I may post an example once I am done.

To think, school is over soon. Amazing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lessons from a bad drink order.

So, here is another post for the least viewed blog of mine. In fact, not a single person viewed the last post I made...

That said, the other blogs, (especially Today I Learned), are doing *very* well. And this is a personal blog anyway, it's not supposed to be the interesting.

So, what inspired me to post today?

A crappy drink order, at Quickly in De Anza.
I have no problem at all with the store, I have had some good food and drinks there. But I have re-learned two lessons from this drink.

  1.  If you order something you have never ordered before, *never* get it in Large...
  2. If you order something large, you *will* force yourself to drink it all, no matter how sick it makes you. (This one may only apply to me)
The drink, if your wondering. Is Mango flavored milk tea, with mango stars and perls.


Now, I think I'm going to share this post, so I feel loved by people clicking the link out of pitty.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Some memories for u413.

I've decided to write the title after writing this post.

So, as some of you know, the geek site u413 went down, and so PiMaster took up the job of trying to rebuild it. He wants to do it in python, and is using cgi. Here is the github, for those interested.

Anyway, I have been trying to help. And have been put off by a few things. One is cgi, another is a bit of the way the code works. (which me and pi are working on fixing).

But most of all, I'm having trouble fully remembering python, and not just that. Mysql too.
I'm sure it will come back to me, but I would like it to be sooner rather then later, considering I would like to help pi put u413 up.

At least, until I can start working on my own site, TheLibrary. Which as of now is just in my brain. But possibly will be a project when I have time.

Until then, I will work on C.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Keeping with the rhythm.

Class in 30 minutes, I think I got time for a post.

School has been going decently well, I'll need an extension on the C assignment I have. But it's okay because the teacher is understanding and always gives one when you ask. Anyway, that will give me time to study for the math test, which is the big deal at the end of this (and every) week.

The chapters that this test is on is chapter three of my precal book, which are the ones that introduced logarithms. Which I just learned about. Pretty cool, actually. But I do need to spend a few more hours studying to be ready for the test.

Wow, you just read me talking about logarithms and a math test and you're still reading. You must really love me.

So in other news I have a few more idea's for a youtube channel and blog.
That's not to say I don't want to continue the Today I learned blog, I do. As soon as I have time to write the next article on it, I will. (Which might be today or tomorrow). Anyway, the "problem" with the TIL blog is that each article takes a decently long time, it is like writing a mini research paper. This is definitely a good thing, I did not expect it to be easy to write a good, entertaining blog. People appreciate hard work and enjoy learning and cited sources. So I expect to continue doing the TIL blog this way.

That said, I also enjoy rants, where I can talk or type and not worry about it sounding too professional, just getting some opinions out there. That is why I came up with the idea of "To Consider".

The "To Consider" blog works like this.

  • I pick a topic to rant about.
  • I say some good things about it.
  • I say some problems with it.
  • I ask the viewer/reader for further discussion.
I will try to have this more casual, more open to discussion, and unlike the TIL blog, I think this one will be suited for video too. 

I will try to talk about things I already know about with this one, and not do too much research, as I want to keep it more as a discussion as not a presentation. 

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, March 3, 2012

My car was recovered.

So, I'm sure most of you don't know. But my car was stolen a few days ago. I live in a pretty good neighborhood , yet the car was stolen from right in front of my house. Amongst other cars, which look a lot nicer.

My guess is this choose mine because they assumed mine did not have a security system, like the other cars did.

Most cars get recovered before 3 days, so my hopes were up because of that fact. It was 4 days past when my car got recovered. Basically, what happens is someone reported it in. Here is my exact guess of how it happens.

  1. Some people steal a car.
  2. Brag to their friends about it.
  3. One friend thinks, hey, that's fucked up. So he calls it in without getting his friends in trouble.
So I think that says something about there being good people in this world. One being that there are good people, and two being that you only need one good person in a chain of ne'er do wells for the outcome to be good.

The car was returned in good shape, some tools and the spare tire were stolen, but overall good. 

Something interesting though, there was a ticket to a broadway show in new york, dated for last year, in the car. So...., I don't know what to make of that. Maybe you can come up with something.

My final point: I hear there are certain secret techniques top bloggers use to get more views. I have decided to start using these. You may not notice them, but they are there. In my research, they are proven to work.