Monday, May 28, 2012

The story of emoobia, take one.

So, I've decided I will write the opening lines of emoobia. And I plan to do this over and over again, until I think I have it right. I have tried to write them before, only to completely fail. So, here is my first take (on this blog)

In the beginning, there was nothing. The entirety of existence was that of a single point, infinitly small. Time was the creator of the first universe, bringing a force into existence broke the resolve of oblivion, and it cracked. Energy formed, and particles connected to each other, in a random pattern. Those random patterns eventually formed together to create an intelligent being of pure energy.

Then the being watched, it watched as the universe formed. It collected energy, and it discovered it can synthesize matter. The building blocks of the universe. But the energy needed to create matter was great, and it could not collect it all in itself. It found that the greatest way to store energy was in matter. So it created created a stone, whose sole purpose was to hold reserve power of which to build the universe. The most refined and pure stone ever to be in existence. And there started the first relationship to ever happen. Knowledge and power, both pure and without ethics and emotion, living symbolically, creating the universe.

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