Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I don't want to miss July.

Hey everyone, sadly, I have not made as many blog post's as a wished. Here is your's (and mine's) list of things to blame.

  • Google+
  • Reddit
  • U413
  • School
  • Straight up Procrastination
Not in any particular order. 

I for a time had a schedule that I followed, I was ready to write in my blog, practice go, learn stuff. etc.

It was solid and it was working well, I think I certainly felt more productive. I think I will do it again, hopefully after next week ends. Here is to me making a new schedule and following it in the future.

A toast to the occasion?

Really though, I think of what I accomplished in that time, when I was really studying, not just school, but go, programming, I was doing project's, I was reading real books, not just math or programming ones. I didn't do as much as I wanted but god damn it is more then I do now.

Thing is my parents don't complain, nobody would. Why?

I'm acing every test, I'm getting the best grades of my life. But at what sacrifice? When is the last programming project I wrote a line for?
How about writing a line in the spec for?

I would be lying to say I have done nothing, but it is trivial compared to what I should be doing, and have done before.

Is it worth it, is I'm really just working on school?

It's my fault though, you saw above, the first part of this post. My reason's made it clear, I have plenty of time to learn. So why don't I?

Is my brain being lazy? Or is it being tired?
I don't believe in such metal limits, at least I don't want to until they are proven. If I can do school and work on programming for 10 min in a week, there is no conceivable reason I cannot work on it for 20, and so on, until I realize there is no reason I could not be working at full speed right now. Writing in my blog, posting on Youtube, all that good stuff.

So no, it's a cop-out and I know it. I'm not sacrificing my life for school, my lazy subconscious is making that excuse. 

That said, I can't seem to even spend full time on school, I am always doing things last minute, getting things done only just before time. And cramming before tests.

It's working for now, I don't want to find out how long it will.